Wednesday, April 20

Man fired after posting violent Lego videos featuring his coworkers

(credit: pengrin)

A New York nursing home food-service worker who lost his job after posting allegedly violent videos depicting his coworkers to Facebook is ineligible for unemployment benefits, a state appeals court is ruling.

The dispute concerns Shawn Roy, who worked at the Albany County Nursing Home for 16 years. Among other things leading to his 2013 discharge, coworkers complained that Facebook videos he posted depicted them in violent and sexual ways. A New York court said that the videos made him ineligible for unemployment benefits.

"Substantial evidence supports the Unemployment Insurance Board's determination that claimant was discharged from his position as a food service worker in a nursing home due to disqualifying misconduct. Claimant was obligated 'even during his off-duty hours, to honor the standards of behavior which his employer has a right to expect of him and...he may be denied unemployment benefits as a result of misconduct in connection with his work if he fails to live up to this obligation,'" the three-member court ruled last week. (PDF)

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