Thursday, May 21

Comcast ends an interconnection fight before net neutrality takes effect

Comcast has signed an interconnection agreement with Internet backbone operator Level 3 with just a few weeks to go until the Federal Communications Commission starts taking complaints under its new net neutrality regime.

Comcast and Level 3 fought as early as 2010 over the amount of Netflix traffic that Level 3 was sending into Comcast's network. Level 3 agreed to pay Comcast for network interconnection at the time "under protest." Level 3 and Comcast announced another agreement in 2013 in a brief press release containing no details, but there was apparently still some tension between the companies.

Netflix traffic isn't a problem for Level 3 and Comcast anymore since Netflix last year began paying Comcast for a direct network connection to improve video quality. But network operators like Level 3 and Cogent have threatened to complain to the FCC about Internet service providers demanding money for upgrades needed to ensure good quality for other Internet services.

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