Thursday, May 21

Lawyers circling lawyers in frenzied Facebook ownership flap

First came the lawsuit from a rural New York man with a sketchy past who claimed Facebook CEO and cofounder Mark Zuckerberg promised him half of Facebook when Zuck was an 18-year-old Harvard University student.

Then came the parade of attorneys, one after the other, representing plaintiff-turned-fugitive Paul Ceglia in his suit against Zuckerberg. The lawyer turnstile churned before, during and after a whirlwind of he-said-she-said allegations and even after a forensics examination (PDF) paid for by Zuckerberg showed that the purported contract (PDF) between Zuckerberg and Ceglia was a forgery.

Next came a federal judge's order labeling the contract at issue a fake (PDF) and Ceglia's lawsuit was dismissed. Then prosecutors brought criminal charges (PDF) against Ceglia. Then out of nowhere, Zuckerberg sued many of the lawyers who represented Ceglia, alleging they knew Ceglia's lawsuit was based on "an implausible story and obviously forged documents."

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