Tuesday, May 19

YouTube Kids app has sex, drugs, and program-length ads, advocacy groups say

Child and consumer advocacy groups are unhappy with Google's new YouTube Kids app, which launched in February of this year. They say the app contains videos like a Sesame Street episode “dubbed with long strings of expletives,” references to pedophilia in a My Little Pony review, and a Budweiser commercial.

Other videos are less insidious—how-tos on using circular saws, ASMR videos showing a woman lighting matches, and TED talks for more mature audiences—but given that the YouTube Kids app description says that it's “Made for Ages 5 and Under,” the videos are out of place on the app, the group says.

On Tuesday, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) and the Center for Digital Democracy sent a letter and a video to the Federal Trade Commission, documenting a search that the groups did in the YouTube Kids app on May 5. The letter is a follow-up to an FTC complaint that the CCFC filed back in April alleging that the YouTube Kids app mixes branded channels from companies like McDonald's, Mattel, and Fisher-Price too freely with real children's programming. The app's features “take advantage of children’s developmental vulnerabilities and violate long-standing media and advertising safeguards that protect children viewing television,” the CCFC wrote in April.

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