Friday, June 12

Comcast wouldn’t restore man’s lost e-mail address until he contacted Ars

Yesterday, we pointed readers toward the story of Florida woman Kathleen Cox, whose Comcast e-mail address was given away to a new subscriber with the same name. After more than a month of trying to get Comcast customer service to restore her lost e-mail address, she finally went to the local news station. Only after that did Comcast actually fix the problem.

She wasn't alone. Shortly after our article published, we heard from a man suffering the exact same problem. Michael Taylor of Tennessee spent three weeks of complaining to Comcast customer service without any progress. But once Ars sent an e-mail to our contacts in Comcast's media relations department, his problem was fixed within two hours.

Though losing a Comcast e-mail address to a new customer of the same name is something we hadn't heard of until yesterday, there have been numerous cases over the past year in which customers were unable to get problems fixed until they contacted journalists. Notorious examples involved a customer whose billing account name was changed to "Asshole" and another whose billing account name was changed to "Super Bitch."

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