Tuesday, June 23

eBay bans Confederate battle flag, other items bearing racist icon

On Tuesday, eBay announced it would be immediately banning all Confederate flags and items bearing the flag image. The move comes in the wake of the recent South Carolina shooting that left nine people dead at the Emanuel AME Church, a historic black church in Charleston.

The suspect, Dylann Roof, appeared in several pre-incident photos with the Confederate flag and left a racist manifesto online on his own website. On Tuesday, the governor of Virginia announced that it would begin the process of removing the optional Confederate battle flag from specialized license plates. And one day earlier, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called for it to be removed from the state capitol.

When Ars searched for "confederate flag" on eBay at 12:45pm Central Time, there were still 1,400 listings available. Just 15 minutes later, that number dropped to 1,388.

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