Tuesday, June 23

Hands-on time and video of Nintendo’s Mario, Zelda, Star Fox triumvirate

Nintendo at E3 2015, video by Jennifer Hahn. (video link)

LOS ANGELES—Nintendo's E3 booth this year, much like its 2015 E3 press conference, was pretty much Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo. First-party games continue to be both the company's biggest asset and its greatest limitation, because nobody else is designing compelling, triple-A content for the company's touch-screen consoles.

What we saw at E3's Nintendo booth is what we're gonna get on its system for roughly the next year, so we looked long and hard for something as good as last year's triple-punch of SplatoonMario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros. We liked what we played this year, but without a major Wii U Zelda announcement or another huge, new IP, we came away feeling like we'd gotten off last year's momentum train and back onto the company's "aw shucks" caboose.

Star Fox Zero: Yep, we did some barrel rolls

Let's get this out of the way: we've been stupidly excited for Star Fox Zero. The Super Nintendo original—which featured basic 3D space-shooting courtesy of the mythical Super FX chip—and its sequel Star Fox 64 remain two of our favorite games of all time. With Star Fox Zero, it looks like we're getting exactly what we wanted: a modernized, slightly fancier take on the Star Fox franchise.

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