Thursday, August 13

Facebook user gets away with nearly a full day of trolling Target commenters

While Facebook facilitates plenty of interaction between big companies and their customers, its interface doesn't scale incredibly well once company-page comments creep into the hundreds (or more) per day. In particular, "comments by users" on a company page are relegated to a sidebar that is pretty hard to parse. On Sunday, one intrepid Facebook user took advantage of that to sneak onto a company page and mess with commenters before the company could get wise to it—and lucky for us, he screencapped the whole thing.

This week's case came from American retailer Target, whose Facebook feed began to blow up with unhappy comments over the weekend after the company announced plans to remove gender-specific signs in departments such as Toys and Entertainment. The retailer didn't get around to individually responding to commenters, but that didn't stop a user from creating a new account on Sunday, giving it a Target-styled bullseye icon and pretending to be an official company spokesperson.

That user, Scottsdale, Arizona, resident Mike Melgaard, went on to respond to at least 52 negative comments left on Target's official Facebook page with an account named "Ask ForHelp," but rarely were his responses helpful. Melgaard heaped on sarcastic smiley faces, grammatical criticisms, and jokes about doing away with all gender-specific labels at the store (including bathrooms and changing rooms). It's hard to pick a favorite among the jokes—we've posted a few of its safe-for-work screencaps above—but our favorite might be when he got into a multiple-comment conversation with one complainer, which he ended with a phony exclamation that it was his "first day, and this is just really frustrating dealing with all of this!"

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