A few weeks ago we wrote about a pair of aftermarket connected car solutions, Automatic and Mojio. At the time, we felt that Automatic was the one to go for, since it was slightly cheaper and already had an ecosystem of apps. Today, Mojio launched its own app store. The offerings include a theft-tracker, an app that uses your recent driving history to get cheaper insurance, and a number of fleet management and diagnostic apps.
These devices work by plugging into a car's OBD2 port which then lets them sample data from the car's CAN and send it to the cloud. Since we wrote about these connected car dongles in June there's been a spate of car hacking news, as hackers have discovered exploits in some infotainment and telematics systems that allow them to send rogue messages to the car from the Internet (as opposed to the devices being read-only).
Those hacks probably haven't helped sales among the more security-aware drivers out there (although we note that neither Automatic nor Mojio have been the target of hacking, and both companies tell us they take security extremely seriously). Although we've found these aftermarket connected car platforms to be relatively useful over the past year, we'd not be surprised if many of you decided it wasn't worth the risk right now.
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