Tuesday, September 15

Twitter loves politicians, enables political donations via tweets


There's not much Twitter won't do for a buck these days. Its stock is hammered—now just slightly higher than its initial public offering price of $26 per share in November 2013.

So in yet another sign of the service trying to broaden its mainstream appeal—while perhaps alienating its core users and early adopters—Twitter announced Tuesday that the microblogging platform's users can tweet political donations. That's right, Twitter is making it as easy as possible for the Twitterverse to participate in what may be the ugliest part of American politics: fundraising. After all, if you can order a pizza on Twitter, why not donate to candidates as well?

"We’ve teamed up with Square to enable anyone in the US to make a donation directly to a US candidate through a Tweet, starting today. This is the fastest, easiest way to make an online donation, and the most effective way for campaigns to execute tailored digital fundraising, in real time, on the platform where Americans are already talking about the 2016 election and the issues they are passionate about," Twitter's Jenna Golden said.

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