Friday, October 23

Curb Office Productivity With Expensive LED Wall

Hero-Design wants you to make art at work with this mesmerizing contraption and as far as we’re concerned they hit the nail right on the head with the inclusion of LEDs, we’re whores for LEDs. The team over at Hero have come up with an interactive wall of 464 pixels that can be individually controlled to display any of the available colors simply by turning the circular pixel in either direction.

The design is quite elegant with a luxurious color scheme of black on black on black. Until you touch a knob or play an animation, that is. The large wall unit comes with a custom designed animation of your choice along with three other animations (and hopefully instructions to create your own animation from scratch). They have taken some precautions that we’re pleased to see: each pixel has redundant LEDs in the case that one goes out and if the worst happens and the redundant goes up in smoke not to worry, each pixel is easily replaceable due to its modular design.

When it comes to price things get a little far-fetched, the model shown in the pictures and video comes in at a reasonable $25,000 and best we can tell it shows up at your door in the form of a 250lb problem that needs a few fellas worth of solution. If you’re still interested but find yourself saying: “HaD, everything you’re saying is absolutely amazing! The only problem I have is that I need MOAR LEDs! Can I buy a larger version?” Well you’re in luck, they do not technically offer a larger version of the product. They will sell you two of these at a quantity discount which brings the grand total to $50,000. We think this is a steal at twice the price and should be a breeze to hang 500lbs of LEDs without any help.

We covered a BBB + FPGA controlled LED wall before, this may be the first with individual pixel interaction that we’ve seen.

Filed under: led hacks

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