Thursday, October 22

Hope you like HD remakes: Square Enix wants to make a lot more of them

If there's been one constant throughout the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 generation so far it's this: the HD remake. After all, why bet on a new, untested IP when you can just dig up an older game, slap a slick coat of 1080p paint on it and call it a day? It's a strategy that's worked well for Microsoft, Sony, and Capcom (amongst others) over the past few years.

Sadly, those hoping that publishers had hopped off the nostalgia fuelled gravy train and onto the hyperloop of new IP are in for some disappointment. Square Enix—publisher of the likes of Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, and Dragon Quest—has promised to further mine its back catalogue for games it can bring to the current generation of platforms.

In its latest Annual Report (PDF link) the company detailed its plans for the next year, including how it hopes to redevelop older games for the modern market. "We will revitalise some of our strong IPs in ways that meet the needs of the modern gaming market," reads the report. "For example, we will take an IP developed for earlier generations of game consoles and recreate it for the latest consoles, while also proactively developing versions for play on smart devices."

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