Friday, December 18

This is probably the world’s largest billboard created with MS Paint

It ain't easy to stand out nowadays, especially if you're a small company: you either have to do something crazy enough that the media notices you, or market something so wonderfully novel that the media has to write about you. In this case, it seems that London-based software company Scirra decided to go with the former.

The billboard you see above is currently on display near South Bermondsey train station in south-east London, at the intersection of Rotherhithe and Ilderton roads. It was drawn entirely in MS Paint, and at 36 square metres this might just be the largest piece of MS Paint artwork in the world.

We spoke to Tom Gullen, co-founder of Scirra and the artist behind this MS Paint masterpiece, about the billboard. "The picture itself took me about 15-20 minutes to design and I was pretty happy with the result. I'm a Web developer by trade so this sort of advertising is all new to me."

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