Friday, December 18

Xbox Live pummeled by DDoS attack; hacker group claims responsibility

In an attack aping the work of the infamous Lizard Squad hacking group, the similarly titled Phantom Squad has claimed responsibility for a DDoS attack on Microsoft's Xbox Live service. While the service is now currently back up, some users experienced problems logging in overnight. Sony's PlayStation Network was not affected.

The attacks follow threats issued by Phantom Squad on its now suspended Twitter account. The group threatened to take down both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network over the Christmas period for as long as a week. Responding the criticism over the threats, the group said: "Why do we take down PSN and Xbox Live? Because cyber security does not exist," and "Some men just want to watch PSN and Xbox Live burn."

This was followed by a tweet yesterday reading "Xbox Live #Offline," coinciding with the reported Xbox Live problems. "Maybe if you guys didn't talk shit about us, we would not hit Xbox Live this early," read another tweet. The group then threatened to take down PlayStation Network next, before its Twitter account was taken offline.

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