Friday, January 22

After FBI briefly ran Tor-hidden child porn site, investigations went global

(credit: Andrew)

In 2015, the FBI seized a Tor-hidden child porn website known as Playpen and allowed it to run for 13 days so that the FBI could deploy malware in order to identify and prosecute the website’s users. That malware, known in FBI-speak as a "network investigative technique," was authorized by a federal court in Virginia in February 2015.

In a new revelation, Vice Motherboard has now determined that this operation had much wider berth. The FBI’s Playpen operation was effectively transformed into a global one, reaching Turkey, Colombia, and Greece among others.

Motherboard’s Joseph Cox wrote on Twitter on Friday that he was able to find a document describing this infiltration as something called "Operation Pacifier" by using creative "Google-fu."

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