Tuesday, January 19

Build conference sells out in seconds, even with higher price and no hardware giveaway

San Francisco has a famous bridge that was designed to look like the Cisco logo. (credit: Microsoft)

Microsoft's Build developer conference will be in San Francisco once again, on March 30 to April 1. In spite of costing a little more this year, $2,195 to last year's $2,095, the conference sold out in record time. All tickets were gone within one minute. During the brief moment that tickets were available, there was much grumbling about site malfunctions and getting immediately placed onto the waiting list. That high traffic surge appears to be the reason why.

For everyone who didn't get tickets, the majority of the event will be streamed live, and session videos will no doubt be posted online. Steve Guggenheimer, the chief evangelist of Developer Experience, says that for next year, Microsoft is trying to get more attendee capacity. But that'll be too late for this spring's event.

Few details aside from the venue—the Moscone Center—and dates are currently known. Microsoft has yet to publish an agenda for the developer-focused event. The only thing we do know is that, unlike events of the past, there apparently won't be any hardware giveaways for attendees. This is sure to be a disappointment to anyone hoping to pick up a HoloLens headset from their trip to California. Instead, attendees are promised a "deeper technical experience for developers," though precisely what this means is unclear. Our hope is that it means better catering, which has been a particularly weak point of the last couple of Build events.

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