Friday, January 15

Smart Mirror Notices You and Turns On

Smart, technology filled bathrooms are inevitably coming, but until then, be the first in your group of friends to make your very own smart mirror!

Gaining popularity in recent months, it’s not that difficult to make a smart mirror. In fact, it’s really just an LCD monitor with a one-way mirror slapped on top. Similar to how Infinity Mirrors work.

The build makes use of an older LCD monitor [Tmonaco189] had laying about. He went to the hardware store and picked up some wood to build a frame that would fit the aspect ratio of the monitor perfectly — and of course to be large enough to cover up the rear casing of the monitor. Once built, it was time to make it smart!

A Raspberry Pi is used to feed data to the screen, including weather, the calendar, and an RSS feed of Reddit. To save power, he’s added a motion sensor to the GPIO of the Pi, which means it’ll actually boot up when you walk into the room, and turn off when you leave — nice.

We’ve seen quite a few smart mirrors before, but we gotta wonder — how long before we see these as a commercial product you can buy? Are they already available?

[via r/DIY]

Filed under: Raspberry Pi

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