Thursday, January 14

With new deal in place, Sweden asks to question Assange at embassy

(credit: thierry ehrmann)

Swedish prosecutors said (Google Translate) Wednesday that they have sent a formal request to question Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. "It is not possible to judge when a reply is expected," the Swedish Prosecution Authority wrote.

The two countries signed an agreement last month in Quito to clarify the conditions of the questioning. The questioning has been delayed for nearly a year after Ecuador required such an agreement once Swedish authorities finally agreed to question the WikiLeaks founder at the embassy.

Assange remains wanted in Sweden for questioning relating to alleged sex offenses dating back to 2010. In Assange’s September 2013 affidavit, he stated that the women he slept with specifically said they were not accusing him of rape and that police "made up the charges." The statute of limitations on other alleged sex crimes expired in August 2015, but the rape accusation can stand until 2020. He has yet to be formally charged with a crime in Sweden.

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