Sunday, February 28

A Lucky Antenna

Antennas come in all shapes and sizes, and which one is best depends wholly on what you are doing with it. A very popular choice for sending video from drones is the cloverleaf antenna. It is circularly polarized which is an advantage when you have a moving vehicle. It also reduces multipath interference.

A cloverleaf contains three closed loops spaced at different angles. The antenna works well for transmitting but isn’t ideal for receiving. It is also difficult to tune after building it. However, for the right job, it is a good performer. [Vitalii Tereshchuk] shows how he made a cloverleaf antenna that fits a WiFi router.

The starting point for this antenna is a stock whip antenna. Some soldering iron work and a cardboard jig to get the angles right can convert that whip into a cloverleaf. You can see the whole process in the video below.

We’ve seen tiny antennas and even some tuned by liquid metal. The cloverleaf antenna is probably more practical for a weekend project.

Filed under: wireless hacks

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