Wednesday, March 23

A day with the 9.7-inch iPad Pro and its accessories

Earlier today, I was handed a 9.7-inch iPad Pro and a gaggle of accessories in a big bag with my name on it, which is pretty standard procedure when companies hand review units off to you. And then I was told there was no embargo.

For those of you who don’t know, pre-release review hardware is often given under the condition that you not publish anything about it until a certain date and time. It’s unavoidable in access-based journalism and it’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, agreeing to let a company dictate when you can publish something gives the company tighter control of its message, and outlets that aren't included in that embargo are at a disadvantage compared to publications that are. On the other hand, it serves as a sort of safety cushion for reviewers, giving us time to test things thoroughly and prepare articles for publication without fear that we’ll be beaten to the punch by some competing outlet.

We’re flying without that particular safety cushion for the new iPad Pro, so we’ll try to split the difference. Today, I’ll give you some expanded impressions of the hardware and accessories based on the few hours I’ve been able to use it (as opposed to the 10-15 minutes that are typical for a hands-on session). Next week, I’ll expand those impressions into a full article with additional observations, more performance and battery data, and other thoughts about the new iPad Pro’s place in Apple’s lineup and the wider market.

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