Monday, March 14

Forget split screen—Android N code hints at a “Freeform Windows” mode

Don't get too excited—this is just Remix OS. Imagine something similar, though.

One of Android N's headline features is a new split-screen mode that lets you run two apps side by side. It's a great multitasking feature for tablets, but it looks like Google is gearing up to take things one step further. We haven't been able to get it to work, but hidden in the code of Android N are references to an "experimental freeform windows" mode.

There are several references to this mode in "framework-res.apk"—a major Android system file. The most obvious references are these strings, which are meant for the settings screen:

<string name="enable_freeform_support">Enable freeform windows</string>
<string name="enable_freeform_support_summary">Enable support for experimental freeform windows.</string>

In the framework file, these strings are listed next to other settings in the "Developer Settings" screen, but we haven't been able to get the checkbox to actually appear. These exact strings pop up in a few other places, too, like the SystemUI and SetupWizard. The framework seems to be the main location, though. The framework also contains references for the new "close" and "maximize" buttons that a feature like this would require. The SystemUI gets in on the fun, too, with references to a "recents freeform workspace" (probably referencing the recent app list).

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