Tuesday, March 8

How puberty may stop us from making asinine decisions

(credit: Moyan Brenn)

The pre-pubescent penchant for shenanigans is undeniable. But how our developing brains grow out of letting us make dopey decisions is still up for debate.

Researchers have speculated that the adolescent brain eventually gets better at shoving down those hankerings to commit acts of stupidity. But now a study on primates suggests that the brain may mature by getting better at forming alternate strategies.

By examining patterns of brain activity in male macaque monkeys before and after puberty, researchers found that their adult brains make smart choices not by suppressing foolish urges but by getting better at forming wise, goal-oriented plans. The findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, may provide insight into how to treat patients who struggle with social and mental health problems due to cognitive immaturity, the authors suggest.

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