Friday, March 25

Massive Flexible LED Strip Display Has Too Many Pixels?

This massive LED display was assembled on a PVC banner (it can be rolled up!) measuring 2m by 1.5m, it boasts well over 6000 pixels, and as you can see from the photo — looks fantastic.

We recently published a post on How Many LEDs are Too Many, which spawned many comments showing off even more impressive displays with even higher LED counts. This is just one of them — and making it flexible as well? That’s just the icing on the cake.

To make the display flexible, [Elektric-Junkys] had a custom PVC banner printed with stripes to help them align 58 parallel strips of WS2811 LEDs on the surface.

The entire build looks time-intensive and rather expensive, but the end result is pretty amazing. Of course with the prices of flat screen HDTV’s these days, you gotta wonder — might be cheaper to just use a mass-produced panel. But that’s harder to roll up and take with you.

[Thanks for the tip Jag!]

Filed under: led hacks

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