Saturday, March 26

Video clears Texas man of assaulting cop—did police commit perjury?

The Texas man, Lawrence Faulkenberry, shown being leg whipped and thrown down, was accused of assaulting a police officer. When prosecutors saw the video, they declined to press charges.

"I knew the camera system was capturing everything the entire time. It knew everything that happened. I told him, 'You just messed up. You have no idea how bad.' He told me to 'shut up.'"

That's the conversation 47-year-old Larry Faulkenberry had with an officer of the Caldwell County Sheriff's Department after being leg-whipped to the ground and roughed up by three deputies in January 2015. He was tossed in jail for 10 days and held on $807,000 bail, and was staring down years in prison for three felonies: assaulting a cop, resisting arrest, and other charges.

That's the story Faulkenberry told Ars in a recent telephone interview. The incident took place in a rural county of 40,000 just east of Austin, at the five-acre property where Faulkenberry runs a motorcycle parts shop.

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