Tuesday, April 19

Intel announces evolution away from PC industry up to 12000 firings

(credit: Intel)

Intel's Q1 2016 financial earnings report was paired with a major announcement of worldwide firings that will thin its global employment numbers by "up to 12,000" staffers.

The Tuesday announcement clarified that the firings will affect approximately 11 percent of Intel's global workforce and that the firings were meant to "accelerate [Intel's] evolution from a PC company to one that powers the cloud and billions of smart, connected computing devices." A "majority" of affected employees will learn about their status within 60 days, while other staffers will have to wait until 2017.

The news comes as Intel announced reduced revenue projections for the next full year, along with a search for a new chief financial officer. Current CFO Stacy Smith will take on a new executive role "leading sales, manufacturing, and operations" once his current position has been filled, but Intel didn't clarify the new position's name, nor whether it was a jump up or down the corporate ladder.

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