Tuesday, April 12

Master of Orion: In Early Access, no one can hear you scream

13 years since the last Master of Orion, and 20 since the last good Master of Orion, we're met with an interesting proposition. Wargaming, the studio behind the inexplicably popular World of Tanks, is funding a reboot of the spacefaring strategy series, which was once a leader of the 4X genre, and the very reason the eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate moniker was coined in the first place.

While there was a lull in the number of space-based 4X games being released around a decade ago—and the awful Master of Orion 3 has to take much of the blame for that—the genre has seen a huge resurgence in recent years. Galactic Civilizations, Endless Universe, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Sins of a Solar Empire—the list stretches beyond the bounds of the known universe (maybe).

So why bring Master of Orion back? The genre is doing just fine without it, and even with a tarnished record from the third game, the original is still remembered fondly. Surely bringing MOO back is just an exercise in slapping a name on any old 4x game, throwing money at some big-name voice actors, and calling it a day?

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