Monday, April 18

Use of in-game glitch could lead to “punishment” for Division players

This is what Falcon Lost looks like when being played legitimately, but...

Players who exploited in-game glitches to get around limits on end-game loot drops in The Division may face "punishment" from the publisher, according to a community manager. That's despite the fact this tactic didn't involve actively hacking or modifying the game or its servers.

An anticipated update to The Division last week introduced Falcon Lost, the game's first raid-like multiplayer "incursion" that culminates in a difficult final boss and rare loot for successful players. The incursion was designed to provide this loot just once a week, requiring players to come back again and again over time to gain the full set of randomly doled out gear.

That's not how things worked in practice. Shortly after Falcon Lost launched, word started to leak of a glitch that let players dash through the incursion in roughly 20 minutes, collecting the loot again every single time. The key is the abuse of the Survivor Link and Mobile Cover skills, letting players warp through walls and avoid triggering key moments and enemy spawns in the incursion.

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