If you have been reading any gaming news today, you've probably stumbled on one of dozens of articles headlined by the "fact" that sales of the Xbox 360 version of Red Dead Redemption are "up over 6,000 percent" at Amazon. The apparent cause: Rockstar confirming Tuesday that the game would be backward compatible with the Xbox One starting on Friday, July 8.
These two pieces of news are being taken together as evidence that the Xbox One's backward compatibility feature is immensely popular and that untold hordes of Xbox One owners (who apparently don't own a copy of the game for a last-generation system) have been clamoring for a chance to play Rockstar's 2010 Western classic. When you dig into the story a bit, though, the numbers aren't so clear cut.
First, you have to realize that Amazon's much-cited "Movers and Shakers" rankings, which are the source of all of these stories, don't actually measure sales increases directly. The big, green numbers that the media is quick to hype actually measure the relative increase in sales ranking position, which doesn't correlate directly to actual unit sales levels.
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