Friday, July 22

The Music of a Sunset

What would you do if you suddenly went blind and could never again see the sun set? How would you again experience this often breathtaking phenomenon? One answer is music, orchestrated by the sun and the Weather Warlock.

Built by the musician [Quintron] (builder and inventor of insane electronic instruments), the Weather Warlock is an analog synthesizer controlled by — you guessed it — the weather. It translates temperature, moisture, wind and sunlight into tones and harmonics with an E major root chord. UV, light, moisture, and temperature sensors combined with an anemometer set up outside feed the weather data to a synthesizer that has [Quintron] dialing knobs and toggling switches. The Weather Warlock steams 24/7 to the website so that the visually impaired are able to tune in and experience the joy of sunrise and sunset through music.

While listening to a summer thunderstorm  or the wind rustle through trees has its  own appeal, this is using the weather to create a melody of a slightly different kind. [Quintron] envisions a global network of Weather Warlocks that would allow listeners — visually impaired or not — to experience the music that different climates have to offer.

There are many large, retro-inspired, and otherwise exotic musical instruments, but using the weather to create an instrument with the express purpose of granting the visually impaired the ability to experience a sunset again is a marvelous feat.

[via Anonymous and Great Big Story]

Filed under: musical hacks, news

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