Monday, December 19

Blade Runner 2049 teaser trailer looks promising

Ever since the sequel to Blade Runner was announced a couple of years ago, fans have been asking why we needed to revisit this classic film. At last, we've got our first glimpse of Blade Runner 2049 and can judge for ourselves.

Set 30 years after the action of the first film, the movie stars Ryan Gosling as Officer K, an LAPD officer with the same job that Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard once had. As the action opens in the trailer, we see that pretty much nothing has changed in LA since Deckard's day—the streets are wet and wreathed in smog, the neon lights seems to bleed into the atmosphere, and the dilapidated Bradbury Building is still the focus of our action.

As the camera takes us through these familiar scenes, we hear Deckard's famous lines from the first film in voiceover: "A replicant is like any other machine. They're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, they're not my problem."

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