Sunday, March 24

Custom LoRa Pager Designed With Care

LoRa is a useful technology if you need to send data a long way at low power levels. Leveraging this, [5Volt-Junkie] decided to build a small pager named the LoRaNicator.

Those who love a detailed build log will enjoy this. The pager features everything up to and including the kitchen sink. A Cortex M0+ runs the show, flashed with an Arduino compatible bootloader, while a RFM95W module handles the LoRa communications. There’s a pager vibrator and piezo buzzer for notifications, along with a LiPo charger to make keeping the battery topped up easy. There’s even an RTC and soft-power button module.

Even if the LoRa side of things isn’t relevant to your interests, it’s a great example of how to build a useful tool rather than just a proof-of-concept. Things like an easy-to-use interface and simple battery charging go a long way to making something usable in the field. [5Volt-Junkie] even goes so far as to point out that even solder mask matters – if you’re using an infrared oven, your black boards will need a different profile to the usual green PCBs.

All the hard work has paid off, creating an attractive end product that we’d be proud to pack with the rest of our ham gear. LoRa is a useful platform, and as we’ve seen, it can be useful for everything from viticulture to meterology. Video after the break.

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