Tuesday, February 11

AI isn’t just coming to the world of dating—it’s already here

Shane Mac, CEO and co-founder of the conversational AI company Assist, had a problem. After spending most of his time and energy on keeping his young company running and funded, dealing with the semi-rote work of writing to strangers on dating sites was more of a time sink and emotional drain than he liked. So—following the law of the instrument—he created a bot to automate the task.

Mac is only one of many dating app users—so far, apparently all men—that the idea has occurred to. I first came across Mac's idea of semi-autonomous dating in an episode of former CNN technology reporter Laurie Segall's excellent podcast First Contact. After that, a bit more online research led me to a Mashable article that covers an entire world of AI-powered dating site gaming techniques—some of which even have public Github repositories.

Most of the men gaming the apps seem to be following the same script as an MMORPG resource harvesting script—a bot logs on to the site for them, swipes right repeatedly, and perhaps drops a basic introductory message to mutual swipes. The human player simply logs in later and collects the results of the bot's "harvesting" run.

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