Thursday, November 5

How copyright lawyer Marc Randazza got famous, lost friends—and went broke

Marc Randazza, from his website after a public appearance. He wouldn't give us a photo otherwise. (credit: Marc Randazza / Illustration by Aurich Lawson)

The way attorney Marc Randazza tells it, his relationship with Jason Gibson started breaking down in the spring of 2012. Gibson, the CEO of gay porn studio Liberty Media, had hired Randazza as general counsel three years earlier. The two became the closest of friends; their families socialized together, and Randazza's kids even called Gibson "uncle."

But that April, Gibson arranged to use Randazza's office for a porn video shoot.

Randazza would later describe the scene as a humiliating bacchanal, calling it "harassment." An arbitration claim he later made against Liberty said that Gibson had forced Randazza, "who is a heterosexual family man with two young children, to witness homosexual activities" and that Gibson filmed "such activities in Mr. Randazza's private office... on his desk and on top of photos of his wife and toddler children." Later, Randazza said the shoot included a woman urinating on his desk.

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